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CSC201: Creative Coding and Computing

Course Description: This course introduces students to one of the most modern tools used in the creation of contemporary arts: creative coding and computing. It teaches creative coding and computer programming as a form of expression rather than a form of solution. It uses computing as a powerful and flexible tool to stimulate creativity and

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ITE305 (MBA): Information Systems for Managers

Course Description: Fundamental and advanced information systems are introduced while maintaining a technical and behavioral perspective on all topics. The course emphasizes awareness of the managerial, organizational, and technological dimensions of today’s digital firms and intensively examines both the Information and IT architectures needed to support creativity and innovation in business processes. A special emphasis

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ITS310: Physical Computing and Robotics

Course Description: This course introduces students to the fundamentals of sensing and controlling the physical world with computers. It covers aspects of embedded programming and automation systems, microcontrollers and electronic circuit boards, and robotics. It expands the students’ understandings to go beyond the common stereotype for computers. It is mainly a practical oriented course with

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STT201: Introductory Statistics

Course Description This course studies the fundamentals of Statistics, including Probability, the Laws of Chance, Statistical Measures (mean, mode, median, scatter, standard deviation, skewness) and Descriptive Statistics (with attention to frequency distributions, and the use and interpretation of tables, graphs and charts), Statistical Distributions (binomial, Poisson, normal), Statistical Analysis (with attention to correlation analysis and

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ITE408: Human-Computer Interaction

Course Description: This course introduces students to the basic concepts of human-computer interaction (HCI), including human factors, performance analysis, cognitive processing, usability studies, environment, and training. It covers the interfaces, emerging technologies, human-centered software, and accessibility. Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Identify requirements and develop them

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ITS330: Linux System Administration

Course Description: This course covers the fundamental tools and concepts for managing Linux operating systems, focusing on proficient use of the command line through extensive hands-on experience. From pre-installation to security auditing, this course gives the students a comprehensive, in-depth explanation of Linux administrative skills and techniques as well as best practices in Linux administration.

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ITE304: Fundamentals of Web Systems

Course Description: The main purpose of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of Web systems and technologies. The course covers the design, implementation and testing of Web based applications including related software, databases, interfaces, and digital media. It also touches on the social, ethical, and security issues arising from Web based software.

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ITE410: IT Capstone

Course Description: The capstone module offers students the opportunity to develop their analytical and critical skills in an IT project based on a topic, selected by the student, which will be approved and supervised by a member of the teaching team. Project implementation requires the student to implement their design and make any justified modification

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