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ITE410: IT Capstone

Course Description:

The capstone module offers students the opportunity to develop their analytical and critical skills in an IT project based on a topic, selected by the student, which will be approved and supervised by a member of the teaching team. Project implementation requires the student to implement their design and make any justified modification to their chosen project using suitable tools and techniques.

Capstone Projects for Fall 2012:

  • Easy Helpdesk by Omer Nihad:
    • This project is about a web based IT help desk system. Students and faculty at the university can write their IT related problems to the system, and there will be a priority management (it will show whether the problem is urgent or not).Â
  • AUIS Alumni Project by Rawa M. Salih:
    • This project will be a dynamic online website that allows the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS)’s alumni and companies in Iraq to have contact with each other for the purpose of seeking jobs and offering jobs.
  • Online Writing Center by Marwan Fattah Ismael:
    • This project is designed for students who want to get help from writing instructors to improve their writing skills and receive help in improving their grammar mistakes. Students will receive consulting and advices regarding their writing skills using an online web system.
  • An SMS Drives Drivers to Drive Slower by Hardi d. Fateh:
    • The aim of the project is mainly focus on making drivers aware of the speed violations as they do so. This will help drivers to drive slower when they frequently get SMS. Then this will directly effect on shrinking the rate of car accidents, because people will not drive faster than they supposed to.
  • A Piano Player Robot using NXT Mindstorms by Banu Ibrahim Ali:
    • This project is about a Lego based robot that can play piano after you program the robot to play a specific piano. The robot consists of two robotic arms that can play piano. The robot controlled by the NXT Intelligent Brick.
  • AUIS Access Control System by Aisha Qaish Ibrahim:
    • AUIS access control system’s main idea is to provide secure access to the university by allowing the authorized persons to be in. People with AUIS IDs or PIN holders only should be admitted; other should be prohibited from entry. This system will be applied by using RFID proximity card reader. The need for the system comes from the lack of security provided.Â
  • Registering Dorms Online by Shwan Anwar:
    •  This is an online registering dorm for students. The main goal of this project is to make the work easier for dorm’s supervisors and more efficient for the students. The housing application will be available online for the students as a softcopy rather than hardcopy. Â
  • Retail Store Inventory System by Aram Farooq Otheman:
    • The main goal is to solve the common problem of using pen and paper to keep track of inventory control by recording every purchase and sale on a designated database. This database will be recording every single purchase throughout a barcode scanner which will record the barcode and ask the user for information to fill out. This is the ideal solution for a common problem.

Capstone Projects for Spring 2012:

  • Digital Bulletin Board by Choman Jalal
    • Choman developed a digital bulletin board system meant to be used around the AUIS campus instead of traditional bulletin boards.
  • Classroom Activity Sign by Sarbast Majeed
    • Sarbast developed a digital sign for classroom activity in order to avoid interruption of lectures taking place in classrooms.
  • Gym Access System by Choven Qadir
    • Choven used an on the shelve access control system to develop custom reports for a gym center.
  • Classroom Access Control System by Razhan Dara
    • Razhan developed a classroom access control system that automatically prevents students from using computers in a classroom when there is another class that should use them.
  • Instant News Reporting by Kosar Osman
    • Kosar developed a Windows phone application to instantly report news including audio and video to a news Website.
  • Patient Control System by Hezha Omer
    • Hezha developed a patient control system that keeps the doctors updated with their patients details and records using a Web based application.
  • Comparison of smart TV software by Arevan Kamaran
    • Arevan compared smart TV software and interface between LG and SAMSUNG TVs from multiple points of view.