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CSC201: Creative Coding and Computing

Course Description: This course introduces students to one of the most modern tools used in the creation of contemporary arts: creative coding and computing. It teaches creative coding and computer programming as a form of expression rather than a form of solution. It uses computing as a powerful and flexible tool to stimulate creativity and

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A very competitive advantage in today’s fast changing world, yet very significantly lacking among a vast majority of our professional force is Creativity and the ability to think, act, and produce creatively. This is more crucial for markets that customers can easily switch to competitors when they are not satisfied and engaged enough with the

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ITE410: IT Capstone

Course Description: The capstone module offers students the opportunity to develop their analytical and critical skills in an IT project based on a topic, selected by the student, which will be approved and supervised by a member of the teaching team. Project implementation requires the student to implement their design and make any justified modification

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