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ITE305 (MBA): Information Systems for Managers

Course Description: Fundamental and advanced information systems are introduced while maintaining a technical and behavioral perspective on all topics. The course emphasizes awareness of the managerial, organizational, and technological dimensions of today’s digital firms and intensively examines both the Information and IT architectures needed to support creativity and innovation in business processes. A special emphasis

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ITS330: Linux System Administration

Course Description: This course covers the fundamental tools and concepts for managing Linux operating systems, focusing on proficient use of the command line through extensive hands-on experience. From pre-installation to security auditing, this course gives the students a comprehensive, in-depth explanation of Linux administrative skills and techniques as well as best practices in Linux administration.

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ITE304: Fundamentals of Web Systems

Course Description: The main purpose of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of Web systems and technologies. The course covers the design, implementation and testing of Web based applications including related software, databases, interfaces, and digital media. It also touches on the social, ethical, and security issues arising from Web based software.

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ITE410: IT Capstone

Course Description: The capstone module offers students the opportunity to develop their analytical and critical skills in an IT project based on a topic, selected by the student, which will be approved and supervised by a member of the teaching team. Project implementation requires the student to implement their design and make any justified modification

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ITE306: E-Commerce Application Design

Course Description: This course introduces students to models and applications used in E-commerce and E-business.  It covers the fundamental issues and typical challenges one can face in designing an E-Commerce web-based application.  It starts with a review of web and server-side technologies, then moves on to design issues of creating tiered and scalable applications; takes

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CSC101: Introduction to Computer Science and IT Applications

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to computers and related technology and the societal issues surrounding their use in our society. Topics include the history of computers, current computer technology and terminology, the Internet, and societal issues related to computer use, such as security, privacy, intellectual property rights, ethics, health,

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